2022 Marjorie Boulton Fellowships

2022 Marjorie Boulton Fellowships

The Esperantic Studies Foundation (ESF) announces its 2022 competition for research fellowships in all fields of the humanities and social sciences, particularly as they relate to interlinguistics, linguistic justice, intercultural communication, Esperanto, and...
ESF End-of-Year Update 2021

ESF End-of-Year Update 2021

The Esperantic Studies Foundation had a busy and productive year in 2021 despite the limitations caused by the pandemic. In this post I’ll give some highlights since the update in July. The US Summer Esperanto Program (NASK) was held virtually again in 2021 with 68...
ESF – mid-year

ESF – mid-year

In 2020 the work of the Esperantic Studies Foundation (ESF) focused more particularly on international language issues, and especially the promotion of equality among languages, international communication on the basis of linguistic equality, and linguistic justice....
2020 ESF Year-end Update

2020 ESF Year-end Update

Dear Friend of ESF, Every year, the board of the Esperantic Studies Foundation gets together for a weekend retreat, in which we review our activities and make plans for the future. This year, we were unable to gather in person, so we organized a series of virtual...
A letter from the president

A letter from the president

In times of crisis, we show what we’re made of. This year, ESF has shown time and time again that it is essential. We didn’t pause our work, waiting for a return to normalcy. Instead, we leveraged our resources and expertise, helping our partners quickly move from...
A turn for the better…

A turn for the better…

There’s a lot about language that we don’t understand – or willfully ignore. For example, there’s much controversy about where language came from, who invented it, and why. Did we create language because we had the organs of speech and the desire to speak, or did we...
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