by Edwin Michielsen | Jan 31, 2022 | [ENGLISH], History, Interlinguistics
Born in Gouda in the Netherlands, I had a strong interest in foreign languages from an early age. I had the opportunity to learn several modern and classical languages in school. Upon graduation, I decided to expand my interest by choosing to study Japanese in...
by Edwin Michielsen | Jan 31, 2022 | [ESPAÑOL], Historia, Interlingüística
Nacido en Gouda en los Países Bajos, tuve un gran interés por los idiomas extranjeros desde una edad temprana. Tuve la oportunidad de aprender varios idiomas modernos y clásicos en la escuela. Al graduarme, decidí ampliar mi interés eligiendo estudiar japonés en la...
by Edwin Michielsen | Jan 31, 2022 | [ESPERANTO], Historio, Interlingvistiko
Naskiĝinta en Gouda (Nederlando) mi havis fortan intereson pri fremdaj lingvoj jam de frua aĝo. Mi havis la okazon lerni plurajn modernajn kaj klasikajn lingvojn en la lernejo. Post abiturientiĝo mi decidis profundigi mian intereson, elektante studi la japanan en...
by Redakcio | Jan 28, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
As of December 2021, the Austrian National Library is offering crash courses in Esperanto not just on site during guided tours of the Esperanto museum, but also on the internet. Ekde decembro 2021 la Aŭstria Nacia Biblioteko ofertas Esperanto-fulmokursojn ne nur...
by Redakcio | Jan 26, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
This was a one-hour session, held on 21 January, on the topic of “Education in intercultural competence”. Is the use of a common language between communities speaking different languages enough to enable smooth communication between them? Or does efficient and...
by Redakcio | Jan 25, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
You may be interested in Piers Kelly’s recent book The Last Language on Earth: Linguistic Utopianism in the Philippines (Oxford University Press, 2022), which contains mentions of Esperanto (and Volapük). Vin eble interesos lastatempa anglalingva libro de Piers Kelly,...
by Redakcio | Jan 24, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
With today being the International Day of Education, UEA, ILEI and TEJO call upon the United Nations and UNESCO to redouble their efforts to improve education for everyone, and to collaborate with all who believe that knowledge brings understanding and that...
by Redakcio | Jan 21, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
This year the Linguistics Colloquium, originating in Hamburg in 1966, will be held at Tampere University in Finland from 21 to 23 September. The organisers will accept abstract submissions until the end of April. Ĉi-jare la Lingvistika Kolokvo, ekestiĝinta en Hamburgo...
by Redakcio | Jan 20, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
In the context of the development of the first UN Secretariat-wide Strategic Policy Framework on multilingualism, the Office of the Under-Secretary-General for General Assembly and Conference Management in New York is seeking a Language policy / Data analysis Intern,...
by Redakcio | Jan 18, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
The main issue of Decolonial Subversions for 2021 is now available, committed to the decentring of western epistemology in the humanities and social sciences. You will find an overview of all the submissions in the editorial. The contributions themselves are...
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