by Redakcio | Jun 30, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
As our primary form of communication, language is the cornerstone of how we interact with the world. However, for marginalized communities like the LGBTQ+ community, language has a long politically charged history that continues to influence how individuals and the...
by Redakcio | Jun 28, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
From the playground to the workplace, people from immigrant communities in the UK say accent-based racism impacts their daily lives. It’s called linguistic racism, and is directed at people who speak in ways considered to be non-standard or “foreign-sounding”. It is...
by Redakcio | Jun 24, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
The article “Exploring the grammar of othering and antagonism as enacted in terrorist discourse: verbal aggression in service of radicalisation”, recently published in the journal Nature, examines the role of certain grammatical choices in the practice of “othering”...
by Redakcio | Jun 23, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
This article on the website of the Global Council for Anthropological Linguistics summarizes the history of Esperanto in China and looks to the future: “If China continues to grow, there will likely be a clash between the Chinese and English languages. When that...
by Redakcio | Jun 21, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
The University of Tours, France hosted a seminar on artificial languages once a week from the end of April until early June, including presentations by Sabine Fiedler (“The Esperanto speech community: sociological, ideological, cultural and linguistic aspects”),...
by Humphrey Tonkin | Jun 20, 2022 | [ENGLISH], Politics
The World Summit on the Information Society Forum was held in Geneva from 30 May to 3 June this year, and Humphrey Tonkin, representing the World Esperanto Association at the UN in his role as vice-president of the NGO Committee on Language and Languages, was invited...
by Humphrey Tonkin | Jun 20, 2022 | [ESPAÑOL], Política
El Foro de la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información se celebró en Ginebra del 30 de mayo al 3 de junio de este año, y Humphrey Tonkin, en representación de la Asociación Mundial de Esperanto en la ONU en su papel de vicepresidente del Comité de ONG sobre...
by Humphrey Tonkin | Jun 20, 2022 | [ESPERANTO], Politiko
La Forumo de la Monda Pintkonferenco pri la Informada Socio okazis en Ĝenevo de la 30-a de majo ĝis la 3-a de junio ĉi-jare, kaj Humphrey Tonkin, reprezentante Universalan Esperanto-Asocion ĉe UN en sia rolo kiel vicprezidanto de la Komitato de Neregistaraj Organizoj...
by Redakcio | Jun 17, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
165 years ago, the 11th of June saw the birth of Antoni Grabowski (1857–1921), a Polish chemist, terminologist, polyglot, Volapükist and Esperantist; the first president of the Polish Esperanto Association (1908–21), secretary of the first World Esperanto Congress...
by Redakcio | Jun 16, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
The article “Christians, Jews and Muslims, we all inhabit the same sea. On the etymology of Europe” by Davide Astori (on pages 23–38 of issue 9/2021 of the journal Occhialì) has a section about Zamenhof’s idea that Esperanto could serve as a bridge religion. La...
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