by Bernhard Struck | Feb 20, 2023 | [ENGLISH], History
Prague is a stunningly beautiful city. When you wander around the city centre you will hear a myriad of languages. Perhaps not Esperanto, yet it is there if you look for it. If you walk across the Old Town Square towards the Powder Tower you will see the Charles...
by Bernhard Struck | Feb 20, 2023 | [ESPERANTO], Historio
Prago estas mirinde bela urbo. Kiam oni vagas tra la urbocentro, oni aŭdas miriadon da lingvoj. Eble ne Esperanton, sed ĝi tamen ĉeestas, se oni serĉas ĝin. Se oni transiras la Malnovurban Placon direkte al la Pulva Pordego, oni vidas dekstre la Librovendejon de la...
by Simon Davies | Feb 6, 2023 | [ENGLISH], Conlang Excursions
Just a few steps away in the infinite multiverse, a version of you is reading this in Volapük. Volapük was the first international language to achieve any noticeable success. A German Catholic priest called Johann Martin Schleyer (rhymes with “higher”) devised it on a...
by Simon Davies | Feb 6, 2023 | [ESPERANTO], Planlingvaj ekskursoj
Nur kelketajn paŝojn for en la senlima multuniverso, varianto de vi legas ĉi tion en Volapuko. El la internaciaj lingvoj Volapuko estis la unua, kiu atingis ian rimarkeblan sukceson. Germana katolika pastro nomita Johann Martin Schleyer (“Ŝlajer”) elpensis ĝin en...
by Redakcio | Feb 2, 2023 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
When did humans first begin to speak, which speech sounds were uttered first, and when did language evolve from those humble beginnings? George Poulos, interviewed here, has spent most of his academic career researching the phonetic and linguistic structures of...
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