by Redakcio | May 30, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
Anabel E. Cull presented a paper entitled “Schism and Suppression: Early Threats to the Esperanto Language, and Resulting Impacts on International Acceptance” as part of the Young Historians Conference 2022 at Portland State University, Oregon. Anabel E. Cull...
by Redakcio | May 27, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
This article in the New York Times discusses a recent claim that the requirement for students who speak a non-standard dialect of English at home to write in standard English at college is unjust and even racist. It argues that both Black English and standard English...
by Redakcio | May 26, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
Research has shown that babies are born with the ability to recognise familiar sounds and language patterns. The study found that in the last 10 weeks of pregnancy, fetuses are listening to their mothers communicate, and when they are born, they can indicate what...
by Redakcio | May 25, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
A study published last year by Katarzyna Boduch-Grabka and Shiri Lev-Ari of Royal Holloway, University of London shows that a short exposure to a foreign accent can reduce the bias that causes people to believe information less when it is presented in a non-native...
by Yauheniya Hudziyeva | May 23, 2022 | History, Interlinguistics
On 25 March 2022, a panel “Seeking a Universal Tongue: Esperanto and Politics in East Asia” took place at the annual conference of the Association for Asian Studies in Honolulu, Hawaii. The panel presented papers by Joshua Fogel (York University, Canada), Yauheniya...
by Yauheniya Hudziyeva | May 23, 2022 | [ESPAÑOL], Historia, Interlingüística
El 25 de marzo de 2022, se llevó a cabo un panel “En busca de una lengua universal: el esperanto y la política en el este de Asia” en la conferencia anual de la Asociación de Estudios Asiáticos en Honolulu, Hawái. El panel presentó trabajos de Joshua Fogel...
by Yauheniya Hudziyeva | May 23, 2022 | Historio, Interlingvistiko
La 25-an de marto 2022, panelo “Serĉante universalan lingvon: Esperanto kaj politiko en Orient-Azio” okazis en la jarkonferenco de Asocio por Aziaj Studoj en Honolulu (Havajo). La panelo prezentis artikolojn de Joshua Fogel (Universitato de York, Kanado), Yauheniya...
by Redakcio | May 20, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
This article by John McWhorter points out that the word “racism” increasingly refers both to violent hate crimes and to differences in performance on standardized tests: “One of the thorniest aspects of today’s race debate is that we have come to apply that word to a...
by Redakcio | May 19, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
The 33rd International Conference on Foreign and Second Language Acquisition is currently taking place at the University of Silesia in Szczyrk, Poland. Its theme is modern technologies in foreign language teaching, learning and research. La 33-a Internacia Konferenco...
by Redakcio | May 17, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
Researchers at the University of British Columbia have discovered a direct link between the tongue movements of infants and their ability to distinguish speech sounds. Esploristoj ĉe la Universitato de Brita Kolumbio malkovris rektan ligon inter la langomovoj de...
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