Common Voice · Komuna Voĉo

Have you contributed your voice to Mozilla’s Common Voice project? The aim is to create a free database for speech recognition software. There is now also a forum for collaborating on, among other things, getting funding for specific language communities. Ĉu vi...
Why celebrate language days?

Why celebrate language days?

Why does the Esperanto movement celebrate the special days of the six official languages of the United Nations? These languages have grown strong not via their cultural achievements – though their achievements are enormous – but through their military and economic...
Why celebrate language days?

Kial festi lingvajn tagojn?

Kial la Esperanto-movado festas la specialajn tagojn de la ses oficialaj lingvoj de Unuiĝintaj Nacioj? Tiuj lingvoj fariĝis fortaj ne pro siaj kulturaj atingoj – kvankam tiuj atingoj estis grandegaj – sed pro sia milita kaj ekonomia potenco. Tri el ili – la angla,...

Talking to aliens · Paroli kun alimondanoj

This article in the magazine Wired asks: how do you communicate with an intelligent entity you know nothing about? Humans are the only species on Earth endowed with advanced mathematical ability and a fully fledged faculty of language, but are these hallmarks of...
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