by The Eastern Door | Nov 14, 2022 | [ESPAÑOL], Educación, Multilingüismo
No es ningún secreto que muchos idiomas indígenas alrededor de Turtle Island (América del Norte) han sido amenazados por el colonialismo, y Kanien’kéha, más conocido como el idioma Mohawk, no es una excepción. Hace solo unas pocas generaciones, muchos...
by The Eastern Door | Nov 14, 2022 | [ESPERANTO], Edukado, Plurlingveco
Ne estas sekreto, ke multajn indiĝenajn lingvojn tra Testuda Insulo [= Nord-Ameriko] minacis koloniismo, kaj Kanien’kéha – pli vaste konata kiel la mohoka lingvo – ne prezentas escepton. Antaŭ nur kelkaj generacioj multaj Kahnawa’kehró:non – anoj de la mohoka popolo...
by Redakcio | Nov 11, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
The definition of the word láska “love” in the Dictionary of the Contemporary Slovak Language no longer mentions opposite sexes, thus reflecting reality. This article talks about why the change took place in the week after a terrorist attack on Bratislava’s Zámocká...
by Redakcio | Nov 10, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
Here is a report on the interlinguistics session held this September, partly at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland and partly online. Jen raporto pri la interlingvistika sesio okazinta parte en la Universitato Adam Mickiewicz en Poznano (Pollando) kaj...
by Redakcio | Nov 8, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
As part of Esperanto’s 3rd Virtual Congress there will be a Public-Speaking Competition, open to congress members of up to 35 years of age. Participants will speak in Esperanto for a maximum of ten minutes on one of the following topics: “When an Indigenous language...
by Redakcio | Nov 7, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
Suggest items for Esperanto’s 3rd Virtual Congress (VK), to be held from 24 to 27 November 2022 alongside Retoso, the online event of the World Esperanto Youth Organization (TEJO). Proposals for talks, panels, debates, author appearances, artistic and cultural...
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