Esperanto, The Aggressor Language

The book Readings in Language Studies, Volume 7: Intersections of Peace and Language, published in 2019, has a final chapter by Timothy Reagan on “Esperanto, The Aggressor Language”, a US Army handbook from the early 1960s. La libro Readings in Language Studies,...

IKIKO 2022

The International Congress of Intercultural Communication (IKIKO), a virtual world gathering of local/national meetings, will take place from 8 to 12 November 2022. The topic is intercultural communication, with the aim of collecting ideas and showing non-Esperantists...
The Book of Guests in Esperanto

The Book of Guests in Esperanto

We are proud to announce the worldwide publication of Clarence Bicknell’s Book of Guests in Esperanto, a masterpiece of dedication and arts-and-crafts talent in watercolours by a light-hearted polymath of the late 19th century. Clarence Bicknell (1842-1918) built his...
The Book of Guests in Esperanto

El Libro de Invitados en Esperanto

Estamos orgullosos de anunciar la publicación mundial del Libro de Invitados de Clarence Bicknell en esperanto, una obra maestra de dedicación y talento artístico y artesanal en acuarelas de un erudito alegre de finales del siglo XIX. Clarence Bicknell  (1842-1918)...
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