- Language
- Most articles are written in English or Esperanto, but we accept articles in any language.
- Translation
- We prefer most articles to appear in both English and Esperanto (as two separate posts). We are happy to translate contributions between these two languages.
- Word count
- Minimum 400 words, maximum 1000 words, ideally 800 words.
- Style
- Professional, but reader-friendly for a lay audience.
- Illustrations
- We would like to include at least one illustration with each article. If you have a related image (e.g. a photo) please send it to us. it should be copyright-free.
- Follow-ups
- If appropriate, please provide links to other sites of interest or to further reading. If a follow-up live presentation is scheduled to take place, please give the date and time.
- Comments
- Please indicate whether you are willing to reply to questions, comments etc.
- Personal
- Feel free to add links to your ESF profile, Academia.eu, Google Scholar, related websites, etc.
- Schedule
- Articles are typically scheduled to appear at later dates, so if you wish, you can certainly send more than one article at the same time.
- Audience
- Posts must not be offensive in any way, and should be sensitive of the readership – that is, a worldwide audience of people living in different cultures under very different circumstances, with different customs, religions and so on.
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