by Redakcio | Nov 18, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
The 108th World Esperanto Congress in Turin will include the 76th session of the International Congress University (IKU). UEA asks that proposals for IKU talks be submitted by 31 January 2023. In connection with the IKU the International Academy of Sciences (AIS) will...
by Redakcio | Nov 16, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
A study in the magazine Nature finds that contact with other languages is not a driver of language loss, but that formal education and a greater density of roads can be. Studo en la anglalingva revuo Naturo trovas, ke kontakto kun aliaj lingvoj ne kaŭzas lingvoperdon,...
by Redakcio | Nov 11, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
The definition of the word láska “love” in the Dictionary of the Contemporary Slovak Language no longer mentions opposite sexes, thus reflecting reality. This article talks about why the change took place in the week after a terrorist attack on Bratislava’s Zámocká...
by Redakcio | Nov 10, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
Here is a report on the interlinguistics session held this September, partly at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland and partly online. Jen raporto pri la interlingvistika sesio okazinta parte en la Universitato Adam Mickiewicz en Poznano (Pollando) kaj...
by Redakcio | Nov 8, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
As part of Esperanto’s 3rd Virtual Congress there will be a Public-Speaking Competition, open to congress members of up to 35 years of age. Participants will speak in Esperanto for a maximum of ten minutes on one of the following topics: “When an Indigenous language...
by Redakcio | Nov 7, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
Suggest items for Esperanto’s 3rd Virtual Congress (VK), to be held from 24 to 27 November 2022 alongside Retoso, the online event of the World Esperanto Youth Organization (TEJO). Proposals for talks, panels, debates, author appearances, artistic and cultural...
by Redakcio | Oct 21, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
Demonstration of embodied cognition mechanisms in the brain could have implications for artificial intelligence. In a recent study, scientists observed how the brain responds to words representing objects that can be manipulated by hand, when a participant’s...
by Redakcio | Oct 19, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
On its own, a new machine-learning model can discover linguistic rules that often match up with those created by human experts. Human languages are notoriously complex, and linguists have long thought it would be impossible to teach a machine how to analyze speech...
by Redakcio | Oct 17, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
A recent article by Steven Mintz, professor of history at the University of Texas at Austin, examines how language became a key cultural, ideological and political battleground: “Of all the traditional humanities disciplines, only one has consistently grown:...
by Redakcio | Oct 14, 2022 | [BULLETIN · BULTENO]
A short online article discusses five myths about Shakespeare’s contribution to the English language. Mallonga anglalingva artikolo diskutas kvin mitojn pri la kontribuoj de Ŝekspiro al tiu lingvo.
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