Esperantic Studies Foundation (ESF) was established in 1968 as a vehicle for promoting scholarly research and dialogue on issues concerned with world language problems and language policy and planning. It works to promote the understanding and implementation of linguistic justice in a multicultural world through three priority areas: Research, Conservation and Education, supported by a system of grants and awards. This blog showcases ESF’s most recent activities and achievements within its priority areas, and the work of ESF more generally.

New! ESF Connected has a counterpart, a monthly live webinar: ESF Connected Live!

Esperantic Studies Foundation laboras por progresigi la komprenadon kaj praktikadon de lingva justeco en multkultura mondo. ESF ofertas financan subtenon por indaj projektoj, kiuj kuŝas en ĝiaj prioritataj kampoj de Esplorado, Konservado kaj Edukado. Registru viajn nomon kaj retadreson en la suba skatolo por ricevi tujan anoncon pri apero de nova artikolo.

Nova! Ĉiumonatan retelsendon: ESF Konektita Vive!

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Vidyasagar Prize awarded to an Esperantist

Premio Vidyasagar aljuĝita al esperantisto


Esperantic Studies Foundation
638 Greenwood Circle,
Cary, NC 27511.
United States

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