Esperantic Studies Foundation (ESF) was established in 1968 as a vehicle for promoting scholarly research and dialogue on issues concerned with world language problems and language policy and planning. It works to promote the understanding and implementation of linguistic justice in a multicultural world through three priority areas: Research, Conservation and Education, supported by a system of grants and awards. This blog, ESF Connected, showcases recent activities and achievements within ESF’s priority areas, and the work of ESF and others more generally.

Esperantic Studies Foundation laboras por progresigi la komprenadon kaj praktikadon de lingva justeco en multkultura mondo. ESF ofertas financan subtenon por indaj projektoj, kiuj kuŝas en ĝiaj prioritataj kampoj de Esplorado, Konservado kaj Edukado. Registru vin per la suba panelo por ricevadi tujan anoncon pri la apero de novaj artikoloj.
De Esperanto ĝis Dothraki: librorecenzo (2)

De Esperanto ĝis Dothraki: librorecenzo (2)

PIPERSKI, Aleksandr: Конструирование языков: от эсперанто до дотракийского ‘La konstruado de lingvoj: de Esperanto ĝis Dothraki’. Moskvo, Alypina Non-Fikšn 2017, 224 paĝoj. ISBN 978-5-91671-1. Jen la dua parto de longa artikolo verkita de Stanislav Košecký (Slovakio), kies enkondukon ni publikigis en aŭgusto. La libro dismembriĝas en ses ĉapitrojn. La unua el ili havas la titolon Neatingebla...

Digitization of Croatian journals co-funded by ESF

Digitization of Croatian journals co-funded by ESF

In mid November 2022, Croatia’s national Esperanto archive, Dokumenta Esperanto-Centro (DEC), completed its very important digitization project for the journals Konkordo (1924–1928), Balkana Konkordo (1931) and La Suda Stelo (1932–1973). Around 4200 pages were involved, which were digitized at DEC’s request by a firm called Point s.l.r. in Varaždin. The project received a grant in June 2022 from...

Digitization of Croatian journals co-funded by ESF

Digitalización de revistas croatas cofinanciadas por ESF

A mediados de noviembre de 2022, el archivo nacional de esperanto de Croacia, Dokumenta Esperanto-Centro (DEC), completó su importante proyecto de digitalización de las revistas Konkordo (1924-1928), Balkana Konkordo (1931) y La Suda Stelo (1932-1973). Se trataron alrededor de 4200 páginas, que fueron digitalizadas a pedido de DEC por una empresa llamada Point s.l.r. en Varaždin. El proyecto...

Digitization of Croatian journals co-funded by ESF

Ciferecigo de kroataj gazetoj kunfinancita de ESF

Meze de novembro 2022 la nacia Esperanto-arkivo en Kroatio, Dokumenta Esperanto-Centro (DEC), finis tre gravan projekton de ciferecigo de la gazetoj Konkordo (1924–1928), Balkana Konkordo (1931) kaj La Suda Stelo (1932–1973). Temas pri ĉirkaŭ 4200 paĝoj, kiujn laŭ la mendo de DEC ciferecigis la firmao Point s.l.r. en Varaždin. La projekto en junio 2022 ricevis subvencion de la kroatia Ministerio...

Esperantism in the Iberian Peninsula: Nationalism and Internationalism (1887–1928)

Esperantism in the Iberian Peninsula: Nationalism and Internationalism (1887–1928)

The picture shows Esperantists performing the Catalan dance “La Sardana”. Unique as Esperantism was and still is, it has not failed to interact as a social phenomenon with other significant movements throughout history. Far from being a peculiar event, isolated from other cultural, social, political, religious and economic influences, Esperantism has become intertwined with them through the...

Esperantism in the Iberian Peninsula: Nationalism and Internationalism (1887–1928)

Esperantismo en la Península Ibérica: Nacionalismo e Internacionalismo (1887-1928)

La imagen muestra a los esperantistas interpretando el baile catalán “La Sardana”. Único como fue y sigue siendo el esperantismo, no ha dejado de interactuar como fenómeno social con otros movimientos significativos a lo largo de la historia. Lejos de ser un acontecimiento peculiar, aislado de otras influencias culturales, sociales, políticas, religiosas y económicas, el esperantismo se ha...

Esperantism in the Iberian Peninsula: Nationalism and Internationalism (1887–1928)

Esperantismo en Iberio: naciismo kaj internaciismo (1887–1928)

La bildo montras esperantistojn en la kataluna danco “La Sardana”. Malgraŭ la antaŭa kaj ankoraŭa unikeco de esperantismo, ĝi ne evitis interagi kiel socia fenomeno kun aliaj gravaj movadoj tra la historio. Tre malsame ol ia stranga okazaĵo izolita de aliaj kulturaj, sociaj, politikaj, religiaj kaj ekonomiaj influoj, esperantismo interplektiĝis kun tiuj per la laboroj de siaj anoj, kiuj...

A community rallies around its language

A community rallies around its language

It’s no secret that many Indigenous languages around Turtle Island [= North America] have been threatened by colonialism, and Kanien’kéha – more widely known as the Mohawk language – is no exception. Only a few generations ago, many Kahnawa’kehró:non – the Kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk) people of Kahnawake – spoke Kanien’kéha as a first language. However, now most Kahnawa’kehró:non are fluent only in...

Bulletin · Bulteno

Short bilingual announcements of publications and projects
Mallongaj dulingvaj anoncoj pri eldonaĵoj kaj projektoj
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A brief history of Esperanto · Mallonga historio de Esperanto

Here is a useful article by Joshua Holzer, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Westminster College, Missouri, entitled “A brief history of Esperanto, the 135-year-old language of peace hated by Hitler and Stalin alike”. Jen utila anglalingva artikolo de Joshua...

Zamenhof comic strip · Bildstrio pri Zamenhof

Jean-Pierre Cavelan has started a comic strip in French and Esperanto about the life of L. L. Zamenhof. All Esperanto speakers are invited to assist the work with criticisms, corrections, suggestions, (en/dis)couragement, etc. Jean-Pierre Cavelan komencis...

Esperanto, The Aggressor Language

The book Readings in Language Studies, Volume 7: Intersections of Peace and Language, published in 2019, has a final chapter by Timothy Reagan on “Esperanto, The Aggressor Language”, a US Army handbook from the early 1960s. La libro Readings in Language Studies,...

IKIKO 2022

The International Congress of Intercultural Communication (IKIKO), a virtual world gathering of local/national meetings, will take place from 8 to 12 November 2022. The topic is intercultural communication, with the aim of collecting ideas and showing non-Esperantists...

“Women” and men · “Women” kaj viroj

A recent article from the New York Times explains the curious history of the words female and woman, which are not derived from male and man (at least not in its modern sense). Girl and lady are also discussed. Lastatempa artikolo el New York Times klarigas la...

The language of happiness · La lingvaĵo de feliĉo

This article in Nature examines the vocabulary used in descriptions of happiness and reveals that positive lexical items play only a limited role in such reports. It also shows that compact lexical families accurately reflect a semantic categorisation of sources of...

Plurilingual parenting · Plurlingva gepatreco

Linguists have long paid attention to the idea of bilingual parenting, but a new appreciation of linguistic and cultural complexity has brought about an alternative approach. This short article explains how what experts call “plurilingualism” views language use as...

AILA Congress 2023 · AILA-Kongreso 2023

Lyon, France will, from the 17th to 21th of July 2023, play host to the 20th World Congress of AILA (the International Association of Applied Linguistics) with the theme of “Diversity and social cohesion in a globalized world: towards more committed language...

Koutny spoke at FIPLV congress · Koutny prelegis ĉe FIPLV-kongreso

The World Congress of FIPLV (International Federation of Language Teacher Associations) took place from the 27th to 29th of July in Warsaw. There, Ilona Koutny gave a lecture on the subject of “Developing intercultural competence through an intercultural language”. La...

Madella to speak at AALA 2022 · Madella prelegos ĉe AALA 2022

ILEI’s vice-president, Alessandra Madella, will lecture on activity around Esperanto examinations in Italy at AALA 2022, the 8th annual international conference of the Asian Association for Language Assessment, at the end of October in Chennai, India. La...

Academy directors elected · Akademio-direktoroj elektiĝis

By 29 July, all 45 members of the Academy of Esperanto had voted to elect its board and sectional directors for the period 2022–2025. Elected as board members were: Probal Dasgupta (president), Brian Moon and Bertilo Wennergren (vice-presidents) and François Lo Jacomo...

Esperantic Studies Foundation,
638 Greenwood Circle,
Cary, NC 27511,
United States

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