Esperantic Studies Foundation (ESF) was established in 1968 as a vehicle for promoting scholarly research and dialogue on issues concerned with world language problems and language policy and planning. It works to promote the understanding and implementation of linguistic justice in a multicultural world through three priority areas: Research, Conservation and Education, supported by a system of grants and awards. This blog, ESF Connected, showcases recent activities and achievements within ESF’s priority areas, and the work of ESF and others more generally.

Esperantic Studies Foundation laboras por progresigi la komprenadon kaj praktikadon de lingva justeco en multkultura mondo. ESF ofertas financan subtenon por indaj projektoj, kiuj kuŝas en ĝiaj prioritataj kampoj de Esplorado, Konservado kaj Edukado. Registru vin per la suba panelo por ricevadi tujan anoncon pri la apero de novaj artikoloj.
Ĝisdatigo pri la Tekstaro kaj PIV

Ĝisdatigo pri la Tekstaro kaj PIV

La laboroj pri la Tekstaro de Esperanto (la Tekstaro), kaj pri la estonta versio de la Plena Ilustrita Vortaro de Esperanto (PIV) progresas intense. La du projektoj, ambaŭ financataj de Esperantic Studies Foundation, praktike kunfandiĝis en unu projekton, ĉar la tekstoj en la Tekstaro estas abunde uzataj por provizi PIV-on per ekzemploj de reala uzo. Ambaŭ projektojn gvidas Bertilo Wennergren....

Ĝisdatigo pri la Tekstaro kaj PIV

Update on la Tekstaro and PIV

Work on the Textbook of Esperanto (la Tekstaro), and on the future version of the Full Illustrated Dictionary of Esperanto (PIV) is fiercely progressing. The two projects, both funded by the Esperantic Studies Foundation, have merged into one project, because the texts in la Tekstaro are used abundantly to provide PIV with real-use examples. Both projects are led by Bertilo Wennergren. The work...

The Esperanto Textbooks That Never Were

The Esperanto Textbooks That Never Were

Among the many joys of doing research, my favourite is best described as “archival serendipity” – to find something you were not actually looking for. Few things are more attractive than pulling on a thread you never knew was there, just to see what might unravel. This is one of the reasons I tend to get particularly excited when the Special Collections catalogue describes an item as [place of...

The Esperanto Textbooks That Never Were

La Esperantaj Lernolibroj Kiuj Neniam Estis

Esplorado alportas multajn momentojn da ĝojo, kaj mia preferata el tiaj momentoj plej bone priskribeblas per la esprimo “hazarda neplanita eltrovo en arkivoj”: trovi ion, kion oni fakte ne serĉis. Apenaŭ ekzistas io pli alloga ol tiri fadenon, pri kies ekzisto oni ne konsciis, nur por vidi, kio malnodiĝos. Tial mi sentas apartan eksciton, kiam la priskriboj en la Specialaj Kolektoj entenas...

The early days of Esperanto in Bohemia

The early days of Esperanto in Bohemia

Prague is a stunningly beautiful city. When you wander around the city centre you will hear a myriad of languages. Perhaps not Esperanto, yet it is there if you look for it. If you walk across the Old Town Square towards the Powder Tower you will see the Charles University Bookshop on the right-hand side. It is a gem of a bookshop. Whenever I visit, my first stop is the history section, then...

The early days of Esperanto in Bohemia

La fruaj tagoj de Esperanto in Bohemujo

Prago estas mirinde bela urbo. Kiam oni vagas tra la urbocentro, oni aŭdas miriadon da lingvoj. Eble ne Esperanton, sed ĝi tamen ĉeestas, se oni serĉas ĝin. Se oni transiras la Malnovurban Placon direkte al la Pulva Pordego, oni vidas dekstre la Librovendejon de la Karola Universitato. Tiu librovendejo estas juvelo. Kiam ajn mi vizitas, mi iras unue al la sekcio pri historio, poste al la sekcio...

Conlang Excursions 7: Esperanto in a parallel universe

Conlang Excursions 7: Esperanto in a parallel universe

Just a few steps away in the infinite multiverse, a version of you is reading this in Volapük. Volapük was the first international language to achieve any noticeable success. A German Catholic priest called Johann Martin Schleyer (rhymes with “higher”) devised it on a sleepless night in 1879, attributing the idea to divine inspiration. He published the following year. According to Charles E....

Conlang Excursions 7: Esperanto in a parallel universe

Planlingvaj ekskursoj 7: Esperanto en paralela universo

Nur kelketajn paŝojn for en la senlima multuniverso, varianto de vi legas ĉi tion en Volapuko. El la internaciaj lingvoj Volapuko estis la unua, kiu atingis ian rimarkeblan sukceson. Germana katolika pastro nomita Johann Martin Schleyer (“Ŝlajer”) elpensis ĝin en sendorma nokto en 1879, atribuante la ideon al dia inspiro. Li publikigis en la posta jaro. Laŭ la Man-libro de Volapuko de Charles E....

Bulletin · Bulteno

Short bilingual announcements of publications and projects
Mallongaj dulingvaj anoncoj pri eldonaĵoj kaj projektoj
Contribute an item · Kontribui eron

Marjorie Boulton: Unu animo homa

A two-volume collection of the complete poetic works of Marjorie Boulton has been published by Esperanto Association of Britain. Over 1200 pages long, Unu animo homa, a title taken from her poem “Aliĝilo”, contains all of her books of poetry, starting with her debut...

Call for IKU talks in Turin · IKU-prelegoj petataj por Torino

The 108th World Esperanto Congress in Turin will include the 76th session of the International Congress University (IKU). UEA asks that proposals for IKU talks be submitted by 31 January 2023. In connection with the IKU the International Academy of Sciences (AIS) will...

The future of linguistic diversity · La estontecto de lingva diverseco

A study in the magazine Nature finds that contact with other languages is not a driver of language loss, but that formal education and a greater density of roads can be. Studo en la anglalingva revuo Naturo trovas, ke kontakto kun aliaj lingvoj ne kaŭzas lingvoperdon,...

Changing the definition of love · Ŝanĝi la difinon de amo

The definition of the word láska “love” in the Dictionary of the Contemporary Slovak Language no longer mentions opposite sexes, thus reflecting reality. This article talks about why the change took place in the week after a terrorist attack on Bratislava’s Zámocká...

Public-Speaking Competition · Oratora Konkurso

As part of Esperanto’s 3rd Virtual Congress there will be a Public-Speaking Competition, open to congress members of up to 35 years of age. Participants will speak in Esperanto for a maximum of ten minutes on one of the following topics: “When an Indigenous language...

3rd Virtual Congress and Retoso · 3-a Virtuala Kongreso kaj Retoso

Suggest items for Esperanto’s 3rd Virtual Congress (VK), to be held from 24 to 27 November 2022 alongside Retoso, the online event of the World Esperanto Youth Organization (TEJO). Proposals for talks, panels, debates, author appearances, artistic and cultural...

Thinking with your hands · Pensado per la manoj

Demonstration of embodied cognition mechanisms in the brain could have implications for artificial intelligence. In a recent study, scientists observed how the brain responds to words representing objects that can be manipulated by hand, when a participant's hands...

AI learns human language patterns · AI lernas homlingvajn strukturojn

On its own, a new machine-learning model can discover linguistic rules that often match up with those created by human experts. Human languages are notoriously complex, and linguists have long thought it would be impossible to teach a machine how to analyze speech...

Watch Your Language · Atentu vian lingvon

A recent article by Steven Mintz, professor of history at the University of Texas at Austin, examines how language became a key cultural, ideological and political battleground: “Of all the traditional humanities disciplines, only one has consistently grown:...

Shakespeare myths · Ŝekspiraj mitoj

A short online article discusses five myths about Shakespeare’s contribution to the English language. Mallonga anglalingva artikolo diskutas kvin mitojn pri la kontribuoj de Ŝekspiro al tiu lingvo.

Babies and contrastive sounds · Beboj kaj kontrastaj sonoj

A recent study sheds light on how babies learn to distinguish contrastive sounds (big, pig) in their own language while rapidly losing the ability to distinguish the contrastive sounds of other languages. Building on their previous research, the authors suggest that...

New book on Esperanto morphology · Nova libro pri Esperanta morfologio

During this summer’s 56th Baltic Esperanto Days gathering in Klaipėda, Ryszard Rokicki presented his new book Enkonduko en la morfologion de Esperanto (Introduction to the morphology of Esperanto). Rokicki has spent nearly 50 years working on Esperantology. En la 56aj...

Esperantic Studies Foundation,
638 Greenwood Circle,
Cary, NC 27511,
United States

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